20th November 2014

Vince Cable launches Global Entrepreneurship Week 2014

Vince Cable launches Global Entrepreneurship Week 2014




November plays host to Global Entrepreneurship Weekthe world’s largest campaign to promote entrepreneurship. On Monday Vince Cable headed up the official launch of Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) 2014 and made the announcement that “there is now more of an entrepreneurial frame of mind” in the UK.

Established in 2004 as Enterprise UK’s Entrepreneurship Week and then launched on a global scale in 2007, GEW is celebrated as the “world’s largest campaign to promote entrepreneurship” with a worldwide series of events taking place to help start-ups and budding entrepreneurs.

This year’s event will involve 125 countries and more than 7.43 million people across November 17 to November 22, with Youth Business International hosting the UK initiative.

JHPR has participated in several events to mark the occasion including the Britain Means Business expo in ExCel, London. Jessica Huie, MBE gave a talk at the event on the importance of PR for small business which was well received. Jessica also agreed to take part in a panel discussion at Buckinghamshire New University.

To find out more about Global Entrepreneurship Week and GEW 2014, click here.

For a round up of the top 25 GEW events taking place across the UK, click here.



Entrepreneurial Stars Shine at Great British Entrepreneur Awards







Wednesday evening saw the winners of the Great British Entrepreneur Awards announced at the stunning Old Billingsgate venue in London.

Winners included business leaders from multiple industries across 20 awards categories with one entrepreneur being championed the ‘Great British Entrepreneur of the Year’.

Jessica, who judged and attended the event described it as “glittering with inspiration and innovation.”We would like to congratulate all winners and runners up on their success. For a full list of winners click here



Big Start Up Loans Competition 2014 Winners Announced


November 3rd marked the culmination of the Big Start Up Loans Competition. The ceremony took place at the iconic City Hall, where 12 regional winners were presented with their awards.

JHPR sponsored the event by providing PR coverage to all winners and supplying runners up with Do Your Own PR packages to help with raising their business profile.

For further details of the event and a list of all winner click here.


The era of the PR clique must end – Why diversity in media goes beyond global reporting


By Jessica Huie

“If PR is serious about managing reputation, it needs to understand the impact equality issues can have on media coverage.”

You see anyone alert enough to recognise societal shifts, will realise that It’s not about ticking politically correct boxes, its about agencies recognising that this era demands consultants from a variety of socio economic and ethnic backgrounds, in order to be most effective.

Read the full article on PR Week here.



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